Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I Have Moved...

Hi there long time readers and new comers. I have been using blogger for many years now, but have recently decided that it's time for a change. If you are enjoying my blog, please come visit my new site at

Thank you all for following me for so long.


Friday, September 7, 2012

In anticipation for Josh's upcoming "Steampunk" post on his blog. I offer you these two items.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ok, getting back on the horse...

It's been a while so I will start with the biggest thing. Utopiates Vol. 1 came out three weeks ago and is currently SOLD OUT on! In three weeks they sold out! Amazon will get more soon, but this is just wonderful news!

 Second, we will be exhibiting at APE in San Francisco next month! So if you are in the area, please feel free to stop by and see us.

 And last, but not least, Josh has started his own blog at

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wow... been a while

Time flies when you are having fun. I need to do a real post soon but I just wanted to put this up now. Why? because it is cool and I want one.

Monday, February 6, 2012

More from the land of SPAM

I wish I could have that Monty Python song play everytime I post these.

Anyway, the spammers have been busy this last week.

"The elder sent me to ask you if we could have one of the arrows so we can begin to make the small spear points for it." -

If somebody can tell me what THIS is all about, I would dearly like to know. So far the leading guess is the Mormons sent a bot to the Utopiates page because of the title "Tip of the Spear"... but who knows.

"Hi! my celebrity is Jully. I would like to meemeet respected urchin  This is my homepage -..."

I want to meemeet a respected urchin!

"My family is terrible at this. I however am the dishwasher tetris wizard.-tetris theme here-"

This spam was directed to the page of Utopiates where The Junky tries to commit suicide, realizes he doesn't have it in him, and goes back for more drugs. So I guess this person is terrible at suicide attempts, so instead they play tetris in the dishwasher.

"For this purpose imagine a monitor made around the earth and then a vehicle progresses it having a speed on the speed of sunshine."



Tuesday, January 31, 2012

This is Apeture

I totally should have seen this forever ago.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It Came from SPAM!

Today I got the stranges SPAM in my inbox.

My name is Joy, i got you sarch. and i want to have a
good relationship with you, please i need your cooperation,contact me with my email adress,
( )
am yours Joy.

So now the pressing (although rediculous) question now is...
What is a "sarch" and why is it a suficient bribe for me to cooperate with a stranger who wants to have a relationship with me.
All seriousnes... this one is pretty weird. I have not responded to it, nor have I emailed this person back... or will I.