HELLO KITTY CYBERMAN!!! Bow before it's cuteness and dispare for you too will be cyberized into it's adorable army!
Hahaha! Well, as you can see, the sketch card bug has hit both Josh and I and we've decided to start making our own. Most of these will be part of a TR promotional, of which I will talk about later.
I penciled this little guy and Josh inked him and worked his marker magic because he's so much better at simulating that metal sheen than I am. Since this is a "new" cyberman I plan on also doing an "Earthshock" era one as well as a "Tombs of...". I have a Maria from Metropolis drawn and inked and Josh has offered to color/tone her as well.

I've also working on a few serious robot sketches. This one will be inked but I just wanted to post the rough pencil now. I've done another one that is inked and colored but she's hasn't been scanned yet. I'll try to include her in an upcoming post as well as hopefully some examples of what Josh has been working on.
<-----Here is a sample of his previous sketch card work. I love how completely diffrent his are from mine.
Takshaka News: You can now listen to
Takshaka on the official website. Just click on the Takshaka banner to the right or click on the words Takshaka in this post. :)
Random Rant: Ok, gotta crow here because I'm just so happy and I don't care how stupid it may sound. I finally got the chance last night to sit down and find all 5 of the rat-men dens in Portal:Still Alive! Whoo Hoo! New achievement for me! Silly I know but I didn't find them all the first time through, then the last time I played I found the one I was missing, but since I started towards the end of the game I didn't nab them all. So, last night I finally did it!!! Now, I must finish all advanced test chambers, go through the whole game w/out taking a bullet, and figure out how to get myself so screwed that GLaDOS has to come save me. I think that one will be the hardest because for the life of me I have no idea how the hell you do that. I'm just going to have to start from test-chamber one and work my way through, trying to get myself stuck. :)
Ok, that's all for now.
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